Unconditional, direct cash transfers can disrupt poverty in Nashville.

Moving Nashville Forward’s 37208 Demonstration will:

  1. Create a basic income pilot that sends resources directly where they are needed most

  2. Model an efficient strategy to disrupt poverty in Nashville and beyond


We need your support.

How we are Moving Nashville Forward?


By investing directly in a community that is experiencing concentrated poverty, historic neglect, and chronic underinvestment.

A basic income can improve community health, eliminate poverty, and create stability for families facing rising taxes, a recession, and the aftermath of a natural disaster.

Our 37208 Demonstration will provide support to a community that needs it and gather data to show that Nashville needs a basic income. Help us build a better future for Nashville through direct cash transfers.

Guided by transparency and principled fundraising

We can change the way our city regards poverty if we embrace accountability for our city’s history.

MOVE is dedicated fulfilling our mission by embracing transparency and accountability.

We are committed to using funding that aligns with our mission and values. This means supporting not just people experiencing poverty in Nashville, but changing the way our city addresses poverty.

We are committed to transparency because our mission cannot succeed without it. Creating sustainable pathways out of poverty and into dignity requires a continual focus on the people that MOVE works for. This must be reflected in our organization, our leadership, and our funding.